Uplights - This kind of wall light directs the illumination of the lightbulb up a wall, which provides a great accent light and creates a relaxing, subtle ambiance.
Down Lights - Downlights are commonly used to direct light below, providing ample lighting to a specific area in the room, whether that be a side table, piece of art, or other object that needs additional lighting.
Reading and Swing Arm Lights -For areas that you need light in certain instances, but not always, swing arms are the kind of wall light you’re wanting. They have adjustable components that enable you to bring the light to you, and move it away when it’s not needed anymore.
Bathroom Wall Lights - The main purpose of bathroom wall lights is to provide balanced lighting in your bathroom that does not create any glare.
Picture Lights - Have pictures or artwork in your home that you’d like to be a focal point? Picture lights illuminate specific works of art to draw your guests’ attention.